PRP injection In Turkey

We use the best and latest PRP injection techniques to guarantee you get the best results.

Start the change and get the most out of your style with PRP injection operation in Turkey

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    What is PRP injection?

    PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is the high concentration of platelet cells in plasma that separated from patient own blood.

    Platelets are small cells which circulate in the blood and contains important growth factors such as FGF, PDGF, TGF-ß, EGF, VEGF, IGF that encourage regrowth of blood vessels, cells and tissue.

    Plasma contains many factors essential for cell survival including nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, growth factors, and proteins.

    IstanBest Clinic

    What to expect after PRP injection

    Hair regrowth started 2 months after PRP treatment and continued up to 10 months. Results showed that a significant increase in the rate of hair growth was observed between the 3rd and 6th months.
    Hair density followed a rising trend with a remarkable peak at 3 months.

    Who is suitable for platelet rich plasma injection?

    All types of hair loss and thinning hair for both men and women
    Before and after hair transplant
    Women of childbearing age and for patients who cannot benefit from other hair loss treatments

    During your free medical consultation, a medical professional will examine and determine that you are a suitable candidate for treatment. The doctor will then explain the details of the treatment. Complications, post-care and all questions you may have are answered.

    Is PRP it painful?

    As the needle use at our clinic is the smallest size needle ( 34 G), most patient report very minimal discomfort at the scale of 2 out of 10.

    What is the down time like?

    Downtime is very minimal. Only mild swelling and tender can be observed for 1-2 days at the treated scalp areas.

    What is the after care?

    It is recommended not to touch or wash or apply anything on the areas for 12 hours to prevent infection.

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