Have you struggled with stubborn cheek fullness that won’t budge no matter how much you diet or exercise? If so, you might be curious about a cosmetic surgery procedure known as buccal fat removal, commonly referred to as bichectomy. In this article, we’ll break down what a bichectomy is, how it’s done, and what you can expect.

What is a Bichectomy?

A bichectomy, also called buccal fat removal, is a cosmetic surgery that trims excess fat from your cheek area, specifically the buccal fat pads. These fat pads are located in the lower part of your cheeks and can give your face a round or chubby appearance.

How Does a Bichectomy Work?

1. Consultation: Start with a chat with a skilled plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure.

2. Local Anesthesia: Most bichectomy procedures use local anesthesia, so you’ll be awake during the surgery but won’t feel pain.

3. Incisions: Tiny incisions are made inside your cheeks, often near your molars. These incisions are hidden inside your mouth and leave no visible scars on your face.

4. Fat Removal: The surgeon carefully removes excess fat from the buccal fat pads using specialized instruments. The amount of fat taken out depends on your desired results and the surgeon’s recommendations.

5. Closure: The incisions are sealed with dissolvable sutures, and you’ll receive instructions for post-surgery mouth care.

What are the Benefits of a Bichectomy?

1. Slimmer Face: Bichectomy can help you achieve a more sculpted and defined facial shape by reducing cheek fullness.

2. Quick Procedure: The surgery is usually brief, often taking less than an hour.

3. Minimal Downtime: Recovery from a bichectomy is relatively quick, and most people can get back to their regular activities within a few days.

4. Natural-Looking Results: When done by a skilled surgeon, bichectomy results can look natural and enhance your facial features.

5. Confidence Boost: Many people report increased self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance after the procedure.

Are There Risks?

Like any surgery, bichectomy comes with potential risks, such as infection, scarring, damage to nearby structures, or dissatisfaction with the results. It’s essential to choose an experienced plastic surgeon who can discuss the procedure’s risks and benefits with you.


Buccal fat removal, also known as bichectomy, is a cosmetic procedure to slim down your cheeks for a more defined look. If you’re unhappy with chubby cheeks and want a slimmer face, talk to a certified plastic surgeon. They can help you decide if bichectomy is right for you. With the right care and advice, you can attain the facial appearance you want and feel more confident.